
Tip Thailand – Deutschsprachige Nachrichten aus Thailand
- Pedder

BANGKOK. Dem Kasikorn Research Center (K-Research) zufolge werden in diesem Jahr voraussichtlich mehr Fabriken in Thailand geschlossen als in den vergangenen beiden Jahren. Als Gründe nennt das Institut die schwächelnde Fertigungsindustrie und mehrere anhaltende wirtschaftliche Herausforderungen. Die Zahl der Fabrikmitarbeiter, die weniger als 40 Stunden pro Woche arbeiten, stieg 2024 um 11 %. Laut K-Research ... Weiterlesen ... [...]

- Pedder

BANGKOK. Im Rahmen der Anti-Drogen-Operation „Seal Stop Safe“ wurden über ein Dutzend Verdächtige festgenommen und Millionen Methamphetaminpillen sowie große Mengen Crystal Meth beschlagnahmt, berichtete das Verteidigungsministerium. Der stellvertretende Premierminister und Verteidigungsminister Phumtham Wechayachai leitete am Freitag eine Pressekonferenz über den Fortschritt der laufenden landesweiten Operation.   Stellvertretender Premierminister und Verteidigungsminister Phumtham Wechayachai, fünfter von links, ... Weiterlesen ... [...]

- Pedder

LAOS. Eine Quelle im Energieministerium verlautete aus der Liste der vier potentiellen Wasserkraftprojekte, die Strom nach Thailand verkaufen sollen, seien die Energiebehörden zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass das Wasserkraftwerk Nam Ngum 3 nicht mehr in Betrieb sei. Die Entscheidung sei während einer Sitzung des Nationalen Energiepolitikrats (NEPC) getroffen worden. Als Hauptgrund wurden Probleme bei der ... Weiterlesen ... [...]

- Pedder

BANGKOK. Der ehemalige Premierminister Thaksin Shinawatra (rechts) bezeugt am Freitag die Eheschließung von Jakrapob Penkair (Mitte), einem ehemaligen Minister des Büros des Premierministers, und seinem Partner Supraipon Chuaychoo im Bezirksbüro Bang Rak. Das Paar lebte 23 Jahre lang zusammen, bevor das Gesetz zur gleichgeschlechtlichen Ehe letzten Monat in Kraft trat. (Foto: Chanat Katanyu) Der frühere ... Weiterlesen ... [...]

- Pedder

MYANMAR. Besonders stark betroffen von der Stromabschaltung der thailändischen Grenzgebiete zu Myanmar ist die Stadt Payatongzu gegenüber dem Bezirk Sangkhla Buri in Kanchanaburi, die gestern Abend fast völlig dunkel war. Nachdem Thailand am 5. Februar von fünf Punkten aus die Strom-, Internet- und Treibstoffversorgung nach Myanmar abgestellt hatte, versank die Grenzstadt Payathonzu des Nachbarlandes gegenüber ... Weiterlesen ... [...]

- Pedder

CHANTABURI. Von Chanthaburi aus hat die Polizei ihre Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung grenzüberschreitender Kriminalität an der thailändisch-kambodschanischen Grenze verstärkt, da Betrüger nach der Unterbrechung von Strom und Internet entlang der thailändisch-myanmarischen Grenze möglicherweise dorthin umsiedeln. Die Polizei hat ihre Maßnahmen zur Abschreckung und Bekämpfung grenzüberschreitender Kriminalität jenseits der thailändisch-kambodschanischen Grenze von Chanthaburi aus verstärkt. Diese könnte ... Weiterlesen ... [...]

- Pedder

MAE HONG SON. Das Einwanderungsbüro hat nach einer Reihe von Unruhen im Pai-Krankenhaus in der Provinz Mae Hong Son entschiedene Maßnahmen gegen vier ausländische Staatsangehörige ergriffen. Die vier, allesamt israelische Staatsbürger, sollen medizinisches Personal verbal beschimpft, Drohungen ausgesprochen und sich ungebührlich verhalten haben. Die Personen, allesamt israelischer Nationalität, verursachten beim medizinischen Personal und bei den ... Weiterlesen ... [...]

- Pedder

BANGKOK. Thailands Militär wurde in Alarmbereitschaft versetzt, nachdem das Land am Mittwoch um 9 Uhr morgens die Strom-, Internet- und Treibstoffversorgung in fünf Grenzregionen zu Myanmar unterbrochen hatte. Diese Entscheidung folgte Geheimdienstberichten, denen zufolge die grenzüberschreitende Stromversorgung Zentren der grenzüberschreitenden Kriminalität versorgte, darunter Callcenter-Betrug, illegale Online-Glücksspiele und Menschenhandelsnetzwerke. Es wird ein Zustrom von Flüchtlingen erwartet, ... Weiterlesen ... [...]

- Pedder

BANGKOK. Ein weiteres Hochdruckgebiet aus China breitet sich bis nach Nordvietnam aus und wird in der Nacht zum Freitag den Nordosten Thailands erfassen. Die Temperatur wird dort um zwei bis drei Grad sinken und es wird starken Wind geben, teilte die thailändische Wetterdienstbehörde heute Morgen mit. In den übrigen Regionen werde es am Freitagmorgen kühles ... Weiterlesen ... [...]

- Pedder

KANCHANABURI. Das Cyber Crime Investigation Bureau (CCIB) hat am Freitag vier Mobilfunkmasten im Bezirk Sangkhla Buri in der Provinz Kanchanaburi untersucht, die im Verdacht stehen, Internetsignale an Callcenter Betrugsbanden jenseits der thailändisch-myanmarischen Grenze zu senden. Drei nicht registrierte Mobilfunkmasten in Sangkhla Buri werden abgeschaltet, weil sie Internetsignale über die thailändisch-myanmarische Grenze senden Die Operation „Brücken ... Weiterlesen ... [...]

Thaiger – Englischsprachige Nachrichten aus Thailand
- Puntid Tantivangphaisal
Thai military foils Harley-Davidson smuggling across Mekong River

Thai military foils Harley-Davidson smuggling across Mekong RiverLegacyThai military rangers intercepted an attempt to smuggle a Harley-Davidson motorcycle across the Mekong River to a neighbouring country. The operation, which occurred at night, resulted in the arrest of a 24 year old Laotian man and the seizure of the motorcycle. Colonel Intrawut Thongkham, commander of the 21st Ranger Task Force, reported yesterday that intelligence was received on Thursday, February 6, regarding a plan to smuggle motorcycles across the border in Na Si Nuan subdistrict, Mueang district, Mukdahan province. Lieutenant Colonel Kamron Khumkhet, commander of the 2105th Ranger Company, was instructed to deploy a surveillance team to monitor and ambush the suspects at likely crossing points. At 7.50pm, the surveillance team, utilising night vision equipment, spotted two motorised boats approaching from Laos towards Thailand. As the boats reached the riverbank near Ban Sompoi, Village 2, Na Si Nuan subdistrict, approximately three to four individuals disembarked and waited by the river. At around 8.30pm, a group of four to five men brought motorcycles to the location where the boats were docked. The nearby ambush team revealed themselves and signalled for a search. Upon noticing the officials, the men abandoned the motorcycles and fled into the darkness. One of the boats immediately returned to Laos. The officers managed to apprehend a 24 year old man of Laotian nationality. Photo courtesy of KhaoSod An inspection of the motorcycle revealed it to be a Harley-Davidson Sportster S Revolution Max 1250 T, valued at approximately 709,000 baht. The suspect, along with the confiscated motorcycle, was handed over to the investigators at Mueang Mukdahan Police Station for further legal proceedings, reported KhaoSod. Photo courtesy of KhaoSod In similar news, a well-known Harley-Davidson parts dealer was found dead inside his car at the Phra Khanong transport office, with police suspecting a pre-existing medical condition as the cause. The incident occurred on January 24, when the 51 year old businessman, known as Tom, was discovered unresponsive in the driver’s seat of his bronze-gold Volvo V70XO. There were no visible injuries, and police believe his death was not the result of foul play. The story Thai military foils Harley-Davidson smuggling across Mekong River as seen on Thaiger News. [...]

- Puntid Tantivangphaisal
Cruel man caught on video hurling puppy into Koh Samui sea

Cruel man caught on video hurling puppy into Koh Samui seaLegacyAnimal rights activists are demanding justice after a shocking viral video showed a man repeatedly hurling a helpless puppy into the sea off the coast of Koh Samui. The disturbing footage, which surfaced yesterday, February 7, captures the man forcefully throwing the terrified stray dog into the water. Despite the puppy’s desperate attempts to swim back to shore, he cruelly tossed it back multiple times. His justification? He claimed he was merely “cleaning” the dog because it had ticks. The Watchdog Thailand Foundation (WDT) quickly condemned the act, branding it animal abuse. The organisation took to Facebook, stating: “The puppy was scared and shocked because you threw it repeatedly.” Outraged netizens joined the call for action, demanding authorities track down the man and hold him accountable. Photo courtesy of The Nation After mounting backlash, the individual posted an apology on Facebook, though he continued to defend his actions, asking the public for forgiveness. However, WDT founder Saban-nga Nontara remains undeterred. Speaking to Nation TV, she confirmed that the foundation is working closely with police to locate the suspect in Koh Samui, Surat Thani province. WDT has officially filed a lawsuit against the man and vowed to see the case through to the end, reported The Straits Times. “This kind of cruelty cannot be ignored,” Saban-nga stated, reinforcing the foundation’s commitment to bringing him to justice. In similar news, a family in Chon Buri has been left devastated after their two beloved pet dogs were poisoned and killed in a cruel and deliberate act. Chalawan Chutaphet, a resident of Tambon Khao Mai Kaew, Bang Lamung district, recounted the harrowing moment his dogs died after consuming fried chicken laced with a lethal substance. He noticed a motorcyclist passing by his house, who then tossed the poisoned food to the unsuspecting pets. The dogs eagerly ate the treat, unaware of the danger. Within moments, they began convulsing, gasping for breath, and tragically died before Chalawan and his family’s eyes. The story Cruel man caught on video hurling puppy into Koh Samui sea as seen on Thaiger News. [...]

- Puntid Tantivangphaisal
Pattaya police crack down on drug addicts setting fire to trash

Pattaya police crack down on drug addicts setting fire to trashLegacyFed-up Pattaya residents got their wish when police swooped in on a notorious hotspot overrun by drug addicts, after complaints of homeless users setting fires and endangering homes. Pattaya police, led by Police Colonel Nawin Thirawit, launched a targeted operation in Soi Bongkot on Thursday, February 6, following mounting fears from locals. Residents reported that drug users had been igniting piles of trash, posing a serious fire hazard to nearby houses. Police Lieutenant Colonel Sirichat Nuthet told The Pattaya News that after receiving multiple complaints, officers swiftly executed an inspection of the area, identifying several individuals suspected of drug use. Urine tests confirmed their suspicions, with at least one person testing positive. The suspect admitted to using drugs and was immediately taken to Pattaya City Police Station for further legal action. To clamp down on the rising drug problem, police also conducted random searches in other high-risk areas surrounding Soi Bongkot. Officers targeted suspicious individuals in an effort to prevent the illegal sale and consumption of narcotics, reported The Pattaya News. Photo courtesy of The Pattaya News Residents have long demanded tougher action against the growing drug crisis in Pattaya’s backstreets, and police vow to maintain heightened patrols to keep the area safe. In similar news, Pattaya officials are stepping up efforts to keep Jomtien’s bustling tourist hub crime-free amid growing concerns over drug activity. Mayor Poramet Ngampichet has ordered intensified inspections of Jomtien Soi 2 and 3, aiming to prevent the area from becoming a criminal hotspot. Determined to maintain Jomtien’s reputation as a safe, family-friendly destination, the mayor has instructed officials to increase street patrols and collaborate with community leaders to curb illicit behaviour. Jomtien Soi 2 and 3, a lively area popular with both tourists and locals, plays a key role in Pattaya’s tourism-driven economy. The mayor’s proactive stance ensures visitors can enjoy their holiday without fear of crime. This crackdown aligns with the city’s broader mission to combat drug abuse and enhance public safety. By boosting surveillance and strengthening community partnerships, authorities are sending a strong message that drug-related activities will not be tolerated. The story Pattaya police crack down on drug addicts setting fire to trash as seen on Thaiger News. [...]

- Puntid Tantivangphaisal
Russian beauty queen faces grim future in notorious Thai prison

Russian beauty queen faces grim future in notorious Thai prisonLegacyA former child beauty queen faces being locked up in a squalid Thai detention centre after allegedly overstaying her visa by just 10 days. Alexandra Tikhomirova, crowned Little Miss Russia in 2013, is currently behind bars in Pattaya, a popular tourist hotspot, where she is reportedly held in dire conditions. According to Russian media, the 23 year old is imprisoned alongside violent criminals without access to food or water. She is expected to be transferred to Bangkok’s notorious Immigration Detention Centre (IDC), an overcrowded facility described as “inhumane” by former inmates and human rights groups. Tikhomirova’s case has sparked controversy in Russia. It is alleged she was previously deported from Thailand following legal troubles, before spending several months in Dubai. She then returned to Thailand but failed to renew her visa. Despite her past success as a model, reports claim she is now stranded with no money for a ticket home after falling out with her parents. Some Russian news outlets suggest she worked as an escort, a claim her family strongly denies. Photo courtesy of Mirror UK A relative, Maria, told Komsomolskaya Pravda: “I am in shock. Why does everyone assume she is an escort? That is nonsense. Her parents care about her, they have a good family.” Once a promising gymnast and model, Tikhomirova once spoke about inspiring others, saying: “The most important thing in life is self-development and self-knowledge.” Meanwhile, concerns grow over IDC’s horrific conditions. Designed for 500 detainees, the facility regularly holds over twice that number, with reports of women, children, and elderly prisoners left to languish for years before deportation, reported The Mirror UK. Photo courtesy of Mirror UK In similar news, a 55 year old British man, Andrew Hopkins, arrived in the Land of Smiles expecting a peaceful, sun-soaked retreat. Instead, he found himself arrested, assaulted, and robbed. It all began on an ordinary evening in Pattaya when Hopkins decided to take a casual stroll from his Airbnb. Unbeknownst to him, this simple decision would change everything. As he wandered through the neighbourhood, he accidentally walked into a neighbour’s entrance sign—setting off an unexpected and terrifying ordeal. The story Russian beauty queen faces grim future in notorious Thai prison as seen on Thaiger News. [...]

- Puntid Tantivangphaisal
Three Thai clinics face fraud charges for fake service claims

Three Thai clinics face fraud charges for fake service claimsLegacyThe National Health Security Office (NHSO) has initiated legal action against three clinics for fraudulently claiming payments without providing actual services. The clinics allegedly used student ID copies to falsely claim services yesterday, February 7. Doctor Attaporn Limpanyalert, deputy secretary-general of the NHSO, stated that at the end of January, the NHSO filed complaints against these clinics for fraud and falsifying electronic information under sections 341 of the Penal Code and section 14 (1) of the Computer Crime Act of 2007. This action follows the discovery that the clinics billed for healthcare services without actual patients. The first clinic, located in Nakhon Ratchasima province, was reported in May last year for distributing free medication at a market in Mueang district. The NHSO Region 9 received this report. Over 30 individuals received services within an hour. However, an investigation revealed improper billing practices, suggesting false documentation. Between March 1 and May 9, the clinic submitted 3,859 claims, failing to provide supporting documents for 652 of these. The second clinic, in Roi Et province, was investigated by NHSO Region 7 Khon Kaen. It recorded 728 home healthcare visits for chronic patients but could only provide documentation for 340. The clinic could not document 258 home visits, accounting for 35% of its claims. The third clinic, in Sa Kaeo province, was reported in August 2024 via the NHSO hotline 1330. A customer was refused medication at a pharmacy due to records of prior service at the clinic, although they were in a different province for studies. The NHSO found incorrect billing with no service evidence. Calls to 64 patients revealed that 20 had never received services from the clinic. Additionally, it was found that the clinic used student ID copies to claim services for 88 individuals, totaling 117,000 baht in damages, reported KhaoSod. Photo courtesy of infoquest In similar news, Labour Ministry Permanent Secretary Boonsong Thapchaiyuth has ordered an investigation into allegations that fraudulent health certificates are being sold to migrant workers, allegedly through connections with senior ministry officials. Boonsong stressed that the ministry is taking these claims seriously and urged employers and representatives registering foreign workers to adhere to legal procedures, ensuring all health checks are legitimate. In response, he has directed the Department of Employment (DoE) to verify the reports and take appropriate action. The story Three Thai clinics face fraud charges for fake service claims as seen on Thaiger News. [...]

- Puntid Tantivangphaisal
Man caught with 800k meth pills in fake rescue car in Udon Thani

Man caught with 800k meth pills in fake rescue car in Udon ThaniLegacyA 33 year old man was arrested after police discovered nearly 800,000 methamphetamine (meth) pills in a car adorned with rescue foundation stickers, leading them to initially believe he was assisting in a routine checkpoint in Udon Thani province. The arrest was made on February 4 outside Wat Sawang Samakkhi in Mueang district. Police Major General Suwan Chiaowanintawat, acting commander of the Udon Thani Provincial Police, stated that law enforcement had been alerted to the presence of 43,600 meth pills, found in a sack abandoned along the Ban Sam Phrao-Don Phu Road. It was suspected that a drug trafficking gang planned to deliver the drugs, but locals discovered them first. In response, authorities set up a checkpoint on the road. At around 11pm, an approaching green sedan with a rescue foundation sticker and flashing lights was spotted parked by the roadside. Officers assumed the driver was a volunteer assisting with the checkpoint. However, upon noticing the police, the sedan sped away, prompting officers to chase and intercept it. Photo courtesy of KhaoSod Upon inspection, the driver was identified as Pipat Nontapanya, a former rescue volunteer who had recently resigned. Inside the vehicle, police found three sacks containing 796,000 meth pills placed on the back seat. Pipat was taken into custody for further questioning at the Mueang Udon Thani Police Station, reported KhaoSod. Photo courtesy of Daily News Photo courtesy of Daily News In similar news, a suspected drug trafficker was arrested after crashing his car into an electricity pole while attempting to evade police, leading to the seizure of over 3.2 million methamphetamine pills. The incident occurred on February 4 in Mueang district, Mukdahan province. Police Lieutenant General Chatchai Surachetphong, head of Region 4, along with Mukdahan governor Worayan Boonnarat, Deputy Police Lieutenant General Kittisak Chamratprasert, and other security officials, held a press conference detailing the operation. Dubbed “Seal Stop Safe,” the anti-drug operation targeted trafficking networks along the border, resulting in the confiscation of approximately 3,220,000 meth pills, a drug transport vehicle, and the arrest of a key suspect. The story Man caught with 800k meth pills in fake rescue car in Udon Thani as seen on Thaiger News. [...]

- Puntid Tantivangphaisal
Woman’s body found in suitcase with dumbbells in Rayong

Woman’s body found in suitcase with dumbbells in RayongLegacyA woman’s body was discovered inside a suitcase weighted down with dumbbells in Ban Chang district, Rayong province, yesterday, February 7. Local police were alerted by a fisherman near a golf course who noticed a foul odour emanating from the suitcase. Emergency services were called to the scene in Ban Chang subdistrict, where they found a large, locked black suitcase emitting a strong, unpleasant smell at the forest’s edge near Khlong Phayun. Upon cutting open the suitcase, rescue personnel found the naked body of a woman inside, along with two dumbbells weighing 10 kilogrammes each. The body was in an advanced state of decomposition, making identification difficult due to the inability to recognise the face, although the hair was shoulder-length. The fisherman, who was the first to discover the suitcase, found it while fishing, as his lure got caught on the suitcase. After retrieving it to the bank, he noticed the strong odour and immediately contacted emergency services. Initial investigations are set to include an autopsy to determine the cause of death, reported KhaoSod. Police are also gathering evidence, reviewing nearby CCTV footage, and working to identify who abandoned the suitcase to uncover the true circumstances surrounding the incident. Photo courtesy of KhaoSod In similar news, a routine package check at a logistics shop in Sa Kaeo took a grim turn when staff discovered two dried infant bodies inside a parcel destined for Chiang Mai. Police are now investigating a self-proclaimed medium who allegedly purchased the bodies for 10,000 baht with the intent to resell them to Chinese tourists. The disturbing find was made on Thursday afternoon, February 6, when a man attempted to send the package via a private logistics service in Aranyaprathet district. Staff grew suspicious and insisted on inspecting the parcel, uncovering two small, blackened corpses. Horrified, they immediately contacted the police. The story Woman’s body found in suitcase with dumbbells in Rayong as seen on Thaiger News. [...]

- Puntid Tantivangphaisal
Irishman arrested for cannabis shop break-in in Pattaya

Irishman arrested for cannabis shop break-in in PattayaLegacyTourist Police and Pattaya Police have apprehended an Irishman following a break-in at a cannabis shop in Pattaya. The 23 year old man allegedly broke a window to access marijuana products, which he consumed until he passed out. The incident, which took place on February 2, was captured on CCTV. Following a complaint lodged at Pattaya City Police Station, an arrest warrant was issued by the Pattaya Provincial Court (No. 70/2568) for the man, Andrew John Mathews from Belfast, for theft by damaging a barrier for protecting a person or property. Photo courtesy of The Pattaya News Police Lieutenant Colonel Piyapong Ensan, along with officers from the Pattaya City Police Investigation Unit, arrested Mathews on Thursday, February 6. During questioning, Mathews admitted to the theft, stating he took cannabis products but nothing else. He confessed to smoking the marijuana until he fell asleep, and upon waking, he continued to purchase and smoke more, changing his sleeping spots frequently until his arrest. Mathews attributed his actions to impaired judgment caused by the cannabis, reported The Pattaya News. Photo courtesy of The Pattaya News Photo courtesy of The Pattaya NewsFollowing his confession, Mathews was taken to Pattaya City Police Station for further legal proceedings. Notably, cannabis has been decriminalised in Thailand and has been legal to purchase since 2022. In similar news, a luxury residence in Huai Yai, Chon Buri, owned by a Chinese businessman, was targeted in a high-stakes burglary, with thieves making off with luxury watches valued at over 100 million baht. The incident was reported to Huai Yai police at 1.30am on Thursday, January 16. Police officers, accompanied by forensic experts from Chon Buri Forensic Division 2, arrived at the scene—a two-storey detached house spanning approximately 80 square wah and valued at over 8 million baht. Inside a second-floor room, they discovered a black safe, measuring one metre wide and 1.5 metres high, that had been forcibly breached using a sledgehammer and crowbar. Eight wooden watch boxes, each designed to hold 10 timepieces, were found scattered across the floor. A rear window had also been pried open and removed, indicating the burglars’ likely point of entry. The story Irishman arrested for cannabis shop break-in in Pattaya as seen on Thaiger News. [...]

- Puntid Tantivangphaisal
Thailand unveils third phase of 10000 baht stimulus project

Thailand unveils third phase of 10000 baht stimulus projectLegacyDeputy Finance Minister Julapun Amornvivat confirmed plans to proceed with the third phase of the 10,000 baht economic stimulus project yesterday, Feburary 7. The initiative, aimed at injecting approximately 150 billion baht into the economy, is expected to start in the second quarter of the year. Discussions took place during a subcommittee meeting on economic stimulation projects, with further meetings scheduled before presenting it to the Economic Stimulus Policy Committee, chaired by Prime Minister Paetongtarn Shinawatra, in late February. The proposal will subsequently be submitted to the Cabinet for approval. The meeting also explored simplifying certain conditions to facilitate the circulation of funds, allowing citizens to convert these funds into cash or use them to advance their businesses more easily. As part of the project, financial institutions and non-bank entities have already been consulted, with significant cooperation achieved. The initiative will initially be piloted with major financial institutions, primarily through the Tang Rat application, to ensure smooth expenditure by the public. Notably, the third phase will employ a digital wallet system instead of cash. The government has emphasised the importance of security and confidence in the blockchain technology that will be utilised. Photo courtesy of Bangkok Post Julapun expressed confidence in the project’s mechanisms, highlighting their potential benefits and the commitment to completing the initiative. The government has engaged with banks and non-bank institutions, all of which have responded positively to integrating the Open-Loop system for public convenience. For those without smartphones, the government will provide registration opportunities. However, further clarity will be available following the Economic Stimulus Policy Committee’s meeting, with implementation expected to coincide with the third phase disbursement. The subcommittee also reviewed data from the National Economic Office and the Ministry of Finance, demonstrating the project’s past success. Notably, only 5% of the 150 billion baht investment was used for savings or debt repayment, indicating that the majority of the funds were actively circulated within the economy, reported KhaoSod. The story Thailand unveils third phase of 10000 baht stimulus project as seen on Thaiger News. [...]

- Puntid Tantivangphaisal
Daughter of deputy mayor arrested for call centre scam in Thailand

Daughter of deputy mayor arrested for call centre scam in ThailandLegacyThe daughter of a deputy mayor in Nakhon Si Thammarat was recently arrested in Samut Sakhon for her involvement in a call centre scam. The arrest followed a comprehensive investigation by cyber police into the large-scale call centre fraud targeting Thai, Chinese, Russian, and Japanese nationals. Cyber police, under the directive of Police Lieutenant General Trirong Phiuphan, coordinated a search operation across four locations in Nakhon Si Thammarat. As a result of this operation, evidence linking Artitaya to the call centre was uncovered. An arrest warrant issued by the Thung Song Provincial Court on May 8 last year, led to her capture in front of a house in Phanthai Norasing subdistrict, Mueang district, Samut Sakhon province. This investigation traced back to March 29, when cyber police, in collaboration with the Department of Special Investigation (DSI), Immigration Police, and the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC), raided four key locations in Nakhon Si Thammarat. The operation dismantled a major Chinese-led call centre syndicate, leading to the arrest of 90 individuals, including both Thai and foreign nationals. Officers seized 192 computers, 854 mobile phones and SIM cards, 22 routers, and 342 bank account books in the crackdown. Further investigation revealed that the 51 year old deputy mayor, Rewadi, had provided premises for the call centre operations and benefited financially. Artitaya and her Chinese husband had fled from the Chandi subdistrict in Nakhon Si Thammarat to Samut Sakhon, where they rented a commercial building to sell online products imported from China, along with some Thai employees. Photo courtesy of KhaoSod Police surveillance confirmed Artitaya’s presence at a house where her arrest was made. Her mobile phone indicated communication with Rewadi via the LINE app, although no direct phone contact was found. Rewadi and her husband, Lin, are also wanted in connection with the scam. The charges against Artitaya include public fraud, impersonation, and introducing misleading data into a computer system. Additionally, she faces charges related to organised crime, including involvement in a secret society and a transnational criminal organisation. Artitaya has been handed over to investigators at Division 3, Subdivision 5 of the Cyber Crime Investigation Bureau for further legal action. The police continue to track down other fugitives involved in the case, urging them to surrender to the cyber police to face the charges, reported KhaoSod. The story Daughter of deputy mayor arrested for call centre scam in Thailand as seen on Thaiger News. [...]