Tip Thailand – Deutschsprachige Nachrichten aus Thailand
BANGKOK. Thailands Tourismussektor floriert. Laut Tourismus- und Sportminister Sorawong Thienthong kamen zwischen Januar und 9. Februar dieses Jahres 4,8 Millionen internationale Besucher ins Land. Diese geschäftige Reiseszene hat die Wirtschaft erheblich angekurbelt und in diesem Zeitraum beeindruckende 234,9 Milliarden Baht zum Umsatz beigetragen. An der Spitze liegen die chinesischen Touristen mit insgesamt 825.617, gefolgt von ... Weiterlesen ... [...]
BANGKOK. In einer erschreckenden Enthüllung haben die thailändischen Behörden bekannt gegeben, dass lediglich 1 % der Mitarbeiter, die aus Betrugszentren in Myanmar zurückkehren, tatsächlich Opfer sind, während die überwiegende Mehrheit den Berichten zufolge freiwillig an diesen kriminellen Machenschaften beteiligt war. Diese Ankündigung folgt auf gründliche Untersuchungen der Aktivitäten zahlreicher Betrugszentren entlang der thailändisch-myanmarischen Grenze. General ... Weiterlesen ... [...]
BANGKOK. Als Reaktion auf die boomende internationale Reisenachfrage sind die Hotelzimmerpreise in Thailand laut SiteMinder, einer führenden E-Commerce-Plattform für Hotelbuchungen, im Vergleich zum Vorjahr um durchschnittlich 15 % gestiegen. Dieser Anstieg macht Thailand zum einzigen Land, das in diesem Sektor ein zweistelliges Wachstum verzeichnet. Der SiteMinder-Bericht „Hotel Booking Trends“, der über 125 Millionen Reservierungen untersuchte, ... Weiterlesen ... [...]
BANGKOK / WASHINGTON. Trumps Politik lässt die Exportgewinne in Thailand ankurbeln. Die Nationen wollen schneller Zölle erheben. Laut dem Chef der thailändischen Export-Import Bank (Exim Bank) dürfte sich das thailändische Exportwachstum in diesem Jahr aufgrund der von US-Präsident Donald Trump umgesetzten Politik beschleunigen. Rak Vorrakitpokatorn, Präsident der Exim Bank, sagte, viele Länder weltweit würden ihre ... Weiterlesen ... [...]
BANGKOK / HONG KONG. Bei einem Fluggast aus Bangkok wurde in Hongkong eine neue Droge namens „Weltraumöl“ gefunden. Der Passagier wurde wegen des Transports der Droge im Wert von 36 Millionen Baht festgenommen. Die Substanz wurde in Packungen mit Fruchtgetränkepulver versteckt gefunden. Ein 22-jähriger Flugpassagier aus Bangkok wurde in Hongkong festgenommen. Ihm wird vorgeworfen, acht ... Weiterlesen ... [...]
BANGKOK. Bangkok und 53 der 76 Provinzen waren am Donnerstagmorgen von einer gefährlichen Feinstaubbelastung betroffen. Sehr dichter Smog bedeckte vor allem die Zentralebene und den Osten des Landes, wie die Agentur für Geo-Informatik und Raumfahrtentwicklung (Gistda) mitteilte. Dichter Smog trübt am Donnerstag gegen 8 Uhr morgens die Sicht auf Bangkoks Hochhäuser, die hinter der ... Weiterlesen ... [...]
BANGKOK. Das Verbrauchervertrauen in Thailand erreicht ein Achtmonatshoch. Der Tourismus verzeichnete im Vergleich zum Vorjahr einen Anstieg von 17 %. Einer am Donnerstag veröffentlichten Umfrage zufolge stieg das Verbrauchervertrauen in Thailand im Januar den vierten Monat in Folge auf den höchsten Stand seit acht Monaten. Unterstützt wurde dies durch Konjunkturmaßnahmen der Regierung, den Tourismus und ... Weiterlesen ... [...]
BANGKOK. Ein Skandal um den Abgeordneten der Thai Progressive Party, Chaiyamphawan „Puaut“ Manpianjit, hat eine neue Wendung genommen. Der Freund des Abgeordneten, der beschuldigt wird, am 9. Januar in einem Hotel eine taiwanesische Frau vergewaltigt zu haben, behauptet nun, die örtliche Polizei habe ein Bestechungsgeld von 400.000 Baht verlangt, um den Fall zu Fall zu ... Weiterlesen ... [...]
BANGKOK. Thailands langjähriges Verbot des Alkoholverkaufs zwischen 14 und 17 Uhr steht auf dem Prüfstand. Wichtige Vertreter der Branche fordern seine Aufhebung und bezeichnen es als Relikt der Vergangenheit, das sowohl die Zufriedenheit der Touristen als auch das Geschäftspotenzial beeinträchtige. Der Ruf nach Veränderung kommt im Zuge laufender Gesetzgebungsverfahren, wobei ein Änderungsentwurf zum Alkoholkontrollgesetz kurz ... Weiterlesen ... [...]
BANGKOK. Thailands Bemühungen zur Bekämpfung der Korruption sind ins Hintertreffen geraten: Im Korruptionswahrnehmungsindex (CPI) für 2024 sank das Land um einen Punkt und rutschte auf den 107. Platz von 180 Ländern ab. Den Spitzenplatz sicherte sich dagegen Dänemark, dicht gefolgt von Finnland, Singapur, Neuseeland, Luxemburg und Norwegen. Innerhalb der ASEAN-Region liegt Thailand auf Platz fünf, ... Weiterlesen ... [...]
Thaiger – Englischsprachige Nachrichten aus Thailand

Phuket motorcycle taxi feud turns bloody in street stabbingLegacyA long-standing rivalry between two motorcycle taxi drivers erupted into a brutal knife fight outside Vachira Phuket Hospital last night, leaving one man seriously injured. The violent altercation, which unfolded at around 9pm yesterday, February 13, saw the men stab each other in a heated dispute over passengers. Phuket City Police, led by Deputy Chief of Investigation Police Captain Pawinut Kongsut, were alerted to the scene and quickly dispatched officers. Upon arrival, police found 56 year old Chit Saengsuwan suffering from multiple stab wounds, receiving emergency treatment at the hospital. Meanwhile, 45 year old Nikhom Yukong was also injured, though his wounds were reportedly caused by a fall rather than the stabbing itself. Photo courtesy of The Phuket News According to 50 year old witness Thawan Saisamut, tensions between the two men had been brewing for some time due to competition for fares in the same motorcycle taxi queue. Their latest argument over passenger pickups spiralled out of control, leading to Nikhom allegedly stabbing Chit four to five times in the street. Photo courtesy of The Phuket News As bystanders watched in shock, police arrived and immediately arrested Nikhom, taking him to Phuket City Police Station for questioning. Police confirmed he will face legal proceedings, with investigators continuing to gather evidence, reported The Phuket News. Photo courtesy of The Phuket News The shocking attack has raised concerns over violence among taxi operators in Phuket, where disputes over territory and passengers have led to increasingly dangerous confrontations. Local police are now under pressure to address tensions within the motorcycle taxi community before another altercation turns deadly. In similar news, a foreign driver fled the scene after a hit-and-run in Bangkok’s On Nut area, sparking a high-speed chase involving Thai motorcycle taxi riders. A video of the incident, shared by a motorcycle taxi rider on TikTok, showed a damaged red Honda sedan stopped in the middle of the road near Big C On Nut. A crowd of motorcycle taxi riders and other motorists surrounded the vehicle, attempting to open the door and urging the driver to step out. The story Phuket motorcycle taxi feud turns bloody in street stabbing as seen on Thaiger News. [...]

Over 100 couples tie the knot in Phuket on Valentine’s DayLegacyRomance filled the air in Phuket Town today as more than 100 couples gathered at the Mueang District Office to register their marriages in a joyful Valentine’s Day celebration. The event, which embraced love in all forms, saw couples from all backgrounds, including LGBTQIA+ partners, formalising their unions in a special ceremony. The festivities were led by Phuket District Chief Pairoj Srilamul, who organised a traditional long drum procession to welcome the soon-to-be newlyweds. As the auspicious hour arrived, couples walked through a beautifully decorated flower arch, marking the beginning of their new journey together. Officials, including the district chief, were on hand to witness the unions and offer blessings. “This is a meaningful step in creating stability in married life. Regardless of gender, every couple has the right to express their love and commitment equally.” Among those registering their marriage were Duangkamol and Pornchai, the first couple to make their union official. After eight years together, they decided Valentine’s Day was the perfect time to take this symbolic step. Photo courtesy of The Phuket News LGBTQIA+ couples also embraced the opportunity, with one pair expressing their joy at finally being able to formally recognise their relationship. “After a year of living together, we wanted to take this step not only for ourselves but as a sign of growing acceptance in society.” Photo courtesy of The Phuket News Photo courtesy of The Phuket News To commemorate the occasion, each newlywed couple received a special amulet for good fortune and was entered into a lucky draw for a luxury honeymoon stay. The atmosphere remained festive and heartwarming, with family, friends, and well-wishers gathering to celebrate love in all its forms, reported The Phuket News. With Thailand increasingly recognising diverse relationships, today’s mass wedding event not only symbolised commitment but also showcased the country’s growing acceptance of love without boundaries. Photo courtesy of The Phuket News The story Over 100 couples tie the knot in Phuket on Valentine’s Day as seen on Thaiger News. [...]

Thailand rolls out new tollway speed limits to enhance safetyLegacyThailand’s transport ministry has introduced new speed limits for tollways, aiming to improve traffic flow and enhance safety. The regulation, issued under the Highway Act 1992, applies specifically to concession highways, marking the first time such roads have been subject to speed restrictions. Under the new rule, different vehicle categories must adhere to strict speed limits: Trucks over 2.2 tonnes and buses with more than 15 seats – maximum 80 km/h Vehicles towing another vehicle or small four-wheel vehicles – maximum 65 km/h School buses and student transport vehicles – maximum 80 km/h All other vehicles – maximum 100 km/h Additionally, any vehicle travelling in the rightmost lane must maintain a minimum speed of 90 km/h, unless traffic conditions, poor visibility, or obstacles prevent them from doing so. Drivers must also obey lower speed limits where indicated by traffic signs. According to the transport ministry, this regulation is designed to align speed limits with road conditions, ensuring smoother traffic flow and reducing accidents. Currently, the Uttaraphimuk Elevated Tollway, also known as Highway No. 5, which runs from Din Daeng to Victory Monument, is the only concession highway in Thailand. This new rule represents the first official attempt to regulate speed limits on such roads, filling a major gap in the country’s traffic laws. Until now, Thailand has only enforced the Ministerial Regulation on Speed Limits for Driving on Roadways (2021), which applies to general roads but does not account for concession highways’ unique characteristics. This lack of specific regulations has led to frequent speeding violations and inconsistent traffic flow on tollways. By implementing these new restrictions, authorities hope to enhance road safety, improve driving conditions, and prevent excessive speeding on Thailand’s tollways. Drivers are advised to stay updated and ensure compliance with the new rules to avoid fines or penalties, reported The Nation. In related news, the Expressway Authority of Thailand (EXAT) implemented tougher penalties for unpaid tolls since January 1. Drivers who fail to pay now face fines of up to 10 times the toll fee, capped at 2,000 baht per incident. This measure, under Section 63 of the EXAT Act of 2007, aims to curb toll evasion and ensure compliance. The story Thailand rolls out new tollway speed limits to enhance safety as seen on Thaiger News. [...]

Tragic temple fire in New York kills Buddhist monkLegacyA devastating fire tore through a Buddhist temple in The Bronx, New York City, early Wednesday morning, February 12, leaving two people dead, including a Buddhist monk. The blaze, which erupted around 6am, quickly engulfed the small temple and a neighbouring residence for monks, causing irreversible damage. FDNY Chief of Department John Esposito confirmed the tragedy. “We had fire throughout two buildings, and unfortunately, we did have two fatalities.” As of yesterday morning, local police had yet to release the names of the victims, as families were still being notified. The temple, a white, two-story townhouse, was left in ruins. Mayuree Sriphirom, the temple’s treasurer, expressed the Thai community’s devastation: “It’s a disaster right now, the temple. But I was so shocked. I will try my best, and the Thai community will come together to help, all around the world, whatever they can do.” According to fire officials, the blaze was accidental, caused by a space heater placed too close to flammable materials. Photo courtesy of Thai PBS World Temple community support worker Pam Sudbanthad recounted the terrifying moments inside the building. She told the Daily News that residents were asleep when the fire broke out. “The clothes that were close to the space heater caught fire. One of the monks was already downstairs praying. He heard the man whose space heater caught fire shouting, telling everyone there was a fire. So the monk who was praying started waking up everybody.” Despite their efforts to escape, two people did not make it out alive. One of the victims, a monk, reportedly suffered from pre-existing health conditions, which may have hindered his ability to evacuate in time. Photo courtesy of The Nation As flames rapidly spread, firefighters struggled to gain access due to illegally parked cars blocking fire hydrants. Chief Esposito voiced his frustration. “We did unfortunately have a car parked on the closest fire hydrant. We’ve seen that now a couple of times in the last week throughout the city. We all know that we should not be parking on fire hydrants, and when you do, it slows us down. When we’re fighting a fire, seconds count.” This fatal fire is one of several recent blazes hindered by illegally parked cars, sparking renewed concerns over fire safety regulations, reported AP News. Investigators continue to assess the full extent of the damage while the Buddhist community mourns this heartbreaking loss. The story Tragic temple fire in New York kills Buddhist monk as seen on Thaiger News. [...]

Myanmar woman arrested for illegal e-cigarette sales in ChumphonLegacyCyber police in collaboration with local police in Chumphon arrested a 20 year old Myanmar national yesterday for allegedly selling illegal e-cigarettes near a prominent school. She was reportedly hired by a local politician’s child and had previously faced similar charges last year. The arrest involved multiple agencies, including Chumphon Provincial Investigation, Sawi Police Station, and other local bodies. The suspect was apprehended with various items including 386 e-cigarette pods, 103 disposable e-cigarette pods, 58 bottles of e-cigarette liquid, 56 filter coils, one inhalation device, and an iPhone 13. Photo courtesy of KhaoSod The investigation began after authorities discovered a Facebook account named Kukka Oi Oi illegally selling e-cigarettes. With evidence collected, they obtained a search warrant from Lang Suan Provincial Court. The Myanmar woman, fitting the description of a user of the Facebook account, was found delivering e-cigarettes to customers on a motorcycle. Police used the warrant to search a house in Village 5, Na Pho subdistrict, Sawi district, where the suspect, Yan Min Thuay, was found and confessed to the illegal sales. She also led the officers to various hiding spots near her home. Photo courtesy of KhaoSod Yan Min Thuay explained that she was born and educated in Thailand, which allowed her to speak, read, and write Thai fluently. She disclosed that she was paid 600 baht daily by a man named Phuriphat to distribute e-cigarettes, a job she had been occupied with for the past three to four months. Phuriphat, whose father is a local politician and whose mother is a teacher in another district, reportedly allowed her to collect the products from a house where he lived with relatives. Phuriphat had previously been arrested on March 22 last year, for similar offences at a shop near the same residence, which is located opposite the secondary school. Police are currently gathering evidence to issue an arrest warrant for him under the law, reported KhaoSod. Police warn that using or possessing e-cigarettes for sale is illegal and poses health risks. Violators could face up to three years imprisonment, a fine of up to 600,000 baht, or both. Residents are encouraged to report illegal e-cigarette sales to the police or local administrative officials for legal action. The story Myanmar woman arrested for illegal e-cigarette sales in Chumphon as seen on Thaiger News. [...]

Celebrating Songkran festival in Thailand 2025LegacyAs we edge closer to April, the cheers of Thailand’s beloved Songkran festival grow stronger by the day. In 2025, Songkran festivities have big shoes to fill after almost a month-long celebration period in 2024. The good news is this year is set to be bigger and bolder than ever. Songkran represents the Thai traditional new year. As the main holiday period of the year, many Thais return home to visit their families. It’s also the time to wash away all the negative energy and back luck from the year prior as we enter into a new year. But even if you don’t celebrate Songkran in its traditional sense, there are still many things to look forward to. When is Songkran in 2025? Photo via Lauren Irons on Flickr.com This year in 2025, Songkran will officially be celebrated from April 13 to 15, but of course, these dates are not set in stone as certain regions (such as Chiang Mai or Pattaya) are likely to further extend their celebrations for up to a week. This also allows travellers to make their way around Thailand and experience Songkran in many different regions. Traditionally, Songkran marked the Thai New Year and was celebrated on April 13 annually, coinciding with the Theravada Buddhist calendar which has its roots in the Hindu calendar. Just under a century ago in 1940, the date was switched to January 1 and Songkran was shifted to become a national holiday. But why do some regions celebrate Songkran way beyond this date often going beyond April 20 in some areas? Songkran is on April 13 every year, but the holiday period extends until April 15. In 2018, the holiday period was extended to seven days, from April 9 to 16, allowing more time for Thais to travel back home and visit their families. Again in 2024, the holiday period was extended once more, and this time, covering almost the entire month. Songkran festival: Where to go in 2025? If there is one thing that people look forward to the most during Songkran, it’s the festivals. Each city, from Bangkok to Pattaya and Chiang Mai, holds Songkran-themed festivals every year, featuring famous DJs from all over the world. Trust me when I say this, you definitely do not want to miss out on these events. Songkran in Bangkok As a prime spot to celebrate Songkran, Bangkok has many areas to explore, walk around, and experience the spirit of Songkran first-hand. Typically held from April 13 to 15, areas such as Khao San Road, Silom Road, and Siam are among the few that are the busiest, but also the most fun. Siam Songkran Music Festival Photo via Siam Songkran Music Festival As one of the largest, and most highly anticipated festivals in Bangkok every year. The Siam Songkran Music Festival once again returns to RCA Bangkok for a weekend of wet and wild fun from April 11 to 14. Featuring sets from globally recognised DJs such as Steve Aoki and Dimitri Vegas, the festival is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that simply cannot be missed out on. Read our guide about more information on Siam Songkran Music Festival. S2O Songkran Music Festival Another marquee festival held in Bangkok annually during the Songkran period, the S2O Music Festival held at Rajamangala National Stadium is another unmissable event. Held from April 12 to 14, this year’s lineup is extensive, featuring Alan Walker, Marshmellow, and many other well-known DJs. Songkran in Pattaya Similar to Bangkok, Pattaya is also another key destination to celebrate Songkran. But unlike the capital, the water fights in Pattaya extend a little beyond April 15, often lasting up until the 19th, perfect for those looking to celebrate the festival in different cities. If you are looking to spend your Songkran in Pattaya, the best place to be is typically Beach Road, where the entire strip is closed off to vehicles during the holiday period and many festivals and music stages are set up for the celebrations. Many bars along the road also join in on the water-soaked fun. Other places to spend Songkran in Thailand Apart from the heavyweights of Bangkok and Pattaya, there are plenty of other cities to consider celebrating your Songkran festivities. For those looking for a beach vibe that isn’t Pattaya, Phuket is an excellent alternative. Kata, Karon, and Patong Beach as well as Phuket Old Town are excellent areas for water fights in the southern province. Way up north, as a time capsule for the old Lanna Thai Kingdom, Chiang Mai is another excellent place to join in on the water fights. Tha Pae Gate and the Old City Moat are the two epicentres and main battlegrounds for all the Songkran fun. What is Songkran? Photo via Lauren Irons on Flickr.com As mentioned, Songkran represents the traditional Thai New Year. During this period from April 13 to 15, many Thais take the time to perform certain rituals such as Song Nam Phra, where scented water is poured on the torso and body of Buddha statues. Another ritual involves younger family members paying respects to their elders by washing their hands or feet with scented or jasmine water in return for blessings in a ceremony known as Rod Nam Dam Hua. Families also cook and give alms to their local temple. In more recent times, Songkran has extended to water splashing and music festivals nationwide in a bid to appeal to a more tourism-centric audience. Traditions still stand strong, but it is undeniable that the water fights and festivals are what many do look forward to. Read our guide for more information and everything about Songkran. Songkran Water Fight Rules & Safety Tips Songkran may be all about fun and games, but there are still a few unspoken rules to keep the celebrations safe and enjoyable for everyone. Don’t splash monks, the elderly, babies, or uniformed officers, as it’s considered disrespectful. Avoid throwing water at motorcyclists to prevent accidents, and stick to clean water only (no ice or dirty water). If you’re carrying valuables, a waterproof bag is a must. Always be respectful and don’t target unwilling participants. Keep your energy up but your alcohol intake in check—stay hydrated and know your limits. In spending your Songkran holidays this year, whether it may be water fighting or attending music festivals, always remember to stay safe. If water fighting is not your cup of tea, the holidays are still the perfect opportunity to show your love and appreciation to those near and dear to you. So start packing your water guns! Songkran 2025 FAQs When is Songkran 2025? Songkran 2025 will be officially celebrated from April 13 to 15, but in some cities like Chiang Mai and Pattaya, the celebrations extend for up to a week, sometimes even longer. What are the rules for Songkran? Avoid throwing water at motorbikes, elderly people, and monks, and always use clean water. Wearing a waterproof bag for your valuables is highly recommended. What is the white stuff on Songkran? One common thing you see a lot during Songkran Festival in Thailand is Din-Sor-Pong, a type of natural talc derived from limestone. During this celebration, the street will be painted with this white powdery splash and people, young or old, often put this natural mineral on their face. Why is Songkran so popular? The traditional Thai New Year Songkran was transformed into a national holiday. Celebrations are famous for the public water fights framed as ritual cleansing. This had become quite popular among Thai and foreigners. What to wear in Songkran? Wear lightweight, quick-dry clothing and avoid white or see-through outfits. Flip-flops or waterproof sandals are best, and a waterproof phone case is a must. Some people wear Hawaiian shirts, a fun Songkran tradition! Is Songkran safe for tourists? Yes, Songkran is generally safe for tourists, but it’s important to follow safety precautions. Avoid throwing water at motorbikes, elderly people, and monks, and always use clean water. Wearing a waterproof bag for your valuables is highly recommended. What is the significance of the water in Songkran? Water, in Thai culture, is symbolic of purification, renewal, and prosperity. During Songkran, this symbolism is embraced wholeheartedly. The act of splashing water signifies the washing away of past sins and troubles, paving the way for a brighter future. It's a time to cleanse the spirit and rejuvenate the soul. The story Celebrating Songkran festival in Thailand 2025 as seen on Thaiger News. [...]

Drunken tourist brawl erupts in Phuket, sparks online outrage (video)LegacyA wild street brawl involving foreign tourists outside Cafe del Mar in Kamala has set social media ablaze, reigniting debates over the type of visitors Phuket is attracting. The 1-minute, 37-second clip, shared by the โหดจัง จังหวัดภูเก็ต Facebook page today, February 14, captures the chaotic fight, with drunk tourists trading punches as stunned onlookers watched. The altercation began outside the popular nightlife spot before spilling onto the street, escalating into a violent free-for-all. One man was seen attempting to smash a bottle over an opponent’s head while others continued throwing punches and kicks. In a particularly disturbing moment, a man was repeatedly kicked while lying on the ground, despite attempts by bystanders, including two women, to break up the fight. Photo courtesy of The Phuket News The viral post captioned, “It’s famous again. Free visa, quality tourists – drunk and fighting in Kamala, Phuket, causing trouble and damaging the island’s image again,” highlights growing frustration over Phuket’s changing tourism landscape. Netizens flooded the comments with mixed reactions, with many blaming lax visa policies for attracting disruptive tourists. “Phuket is a beautiful place, but incidents like this ruin its reputation,” while another called for immediate deportation, saying, “Report them to their embassy and send them home!” Others, however, argued that rowdy tourist behaviour isn’t exclusive to Phuket, stating that visa policies aren’t necessarily to blame. Photo courtesy of The Phuket News Police have yet to release further details, but local police confirmed they are reviewing the footage and taking legal action against those involved, reported The Phuket News. Photo courtesy of The Phuket News This follows another incident in Patong where a violent altercation between Italian and Indian tourists ignited widespread debate on social media. The clash, which took place on January 27 at the end of Bangla Road in Kathu district, was captured in a 1.04-minute video shared by the Facebook page Speednews Phuket. The footage shows both men engaged in a heated brawl, surrounded by a crowd of onlookers, including foreigners and Thai nationals. Many bystanders filmed the fight on their mobile phones, with some even cheering. Security personnel and other tourists eventually intervened, separating the two men before the situation escalated further. The tourists soon dispersed without further incident. The story Drunken tourist brawl erupts in Phuket, sparks online outrage (video) as seen on Thaiger News. [...]

The art of building on a budget: Your guide to construction cost management with MentabuildLegacyBudgeting in construction can sometimes feel like walking a tightrope. You need to balance quality, cost and timelines. A Quantity Surveyor (QS) plays a vital role in this process. They work to make sure that budgets are set up appropriately, costs are controlled and project financial and commercial goals are achieved. But managing budgets, especially for a construction project, isn’t as simple as drawing up a spreadsheet and calling it a day. There’s a whole strategy behind it. We spoke to the team at Mentabuild, who are experts in construction cost and quantity surveying to find out how they do it. 1. Start with clear expectations when estimating the costs Every project begins with questions like, “What will it cost? Can we afford it?” But at the start, there are often more unknowns than answers. You don’t always know exactly what you’re paying for. Maybe the designs aren’t finished, or there are uncertainties about the materials you’ll need. So, how can you budget when you don’t know all the costs? This is why the role of professional Quantity Surveyors is more significant than you might think. This stage demands a blend of experience, research and clear communication with clients. Their approach focuses on aligning with the client’s expectations to manage the unknowns effectively. “Right from the outset, it’s very important to understand the client, their product, and their aspirations in order to price for items appropriately,” says Mentabuild. In other words, they start by figuring out what the client wants and then build a realistic budget around it. They also benchmark the project against similar ones they’ve worked on. This helps avoid issues like using outdated or irrelevant cost data, which can throw budgets way off track. And when things are unclear, they integrate appropriate allowances. These are, basically, placeholders for costs they’ll refine once more information is available. 2. Bring the Quantity Surveyor in early to control costs Queen Sirikit National Convention Center. Image via Mentabuild You’ve probably heard the saying, “You can’t have your cake and eat it too.” That’s exactly how design and budgets work in construction. The more ambitious the design, the more it usually costs. Mentabuild explains why Quantity Surveyors should get involved as early as possible. “The earlier the better,” they said. “Our ability to assess and provide feedback on construction costs of the initial design or concept is crucial. The earlier this is, there is more time and options available to amend and adapt the design accordingly.” What does that mean in practice? Factors like wall-to-floor ratio, concrete to rebar ratio, building space efficiency, lettable areas, shape, height, and even the project’s location all influence the cost estimate. While some may hesitate to impose cost constraints on designers for fear of stifling creativity, this approach often backfires. It can lead to wasted time and abortive work when the design doesn’t align with the budget. According to Mentabuild, they have found greater success when the entire team collaborates from the start. Their experienced Quantity Surveyors can review against market benchmarks and their own cost and commercial database to keep the design within budget before it’s too late to make changes. 3. Design documentation determines the accuracy Ever tried assembling IKEA furniture with missing instructions? That’s what it’s like estimating construction costs without complete design details. Mentabuild put it bluntly: “With more detail, more known aspects to measure, quantify, and price, thus a greater degree of accuracy on project costings can be achieved.” When designs are incomplete, QS teams have to rely on assumptions, which increases the risk of surprises later. “Design coordination matters just as much, as there are usually multiple and different design consultants involved so ensuring that each of their design trades are coordinated properly is critical to avoid clashes and surprises which may lead to abortive design works or changes,” they shared. 4. Choose the right procurement strategy for your project Four Seasons Residences, Four Seasons Hotel and Capella Hotel. Image via Mentabuild Procurement is basically the process of hiring contractors and buying materials. It sounds simple, but the strategy you use can have a huge impact on your budget. Mentabuild pointed out that it all comes down to priorities. “Time, cost, and quality are the main factors,” they said. For instance, if speed is your top priority, a turnkey approach (where one contractor handles everything) might be the best option. But it might cost more and give you less control over the final design. Every project is different, so it’s about finding the right balance for your specific needs. “Achieving a balance between these factors is essential,” Mentabuild advises. “By ranking priorities with the client, we can tailor the procurement strategy to their specific needs.” 5. Implement robust tools for tracking costs throughout the project lifecycle Budgeting doesn’t stop once construction begins. In fact, it’s an ongoing process. Mentabuild implements cost reports, benchmarking, detailed variation order assessments and tracking with regular updates to make sure the project stays on track financially. From Microsoft Excel to SharePoint and project-specific platforms, their systems provide real-time updates on key cost and commercial issues. “Close monitoring of the cost and commercial issues is vital. We need to capture these to be able to report back to the client so that they are kept up to speed and able to make executive decisions on any changes,“ they explained. 6. Apply value engineering strategically Value engineering focuses on optimising cost without compromising quality or design integrity. Mentabuild clarifies, “A common misconception is that the Quantity Surveyor implements value engineering options. Whilst we may certainly share our ideas or thoughts based on our vast experience, this is mostly design led and requires effort from all concerned parties.” Collaboration is fundamental to achieving these goals. Everyone involved in the construction project, including designers, clients, and contractors, must work together to explore options such as reducing costs, reallocating resources, or investing strategically for long-term benefits. Timely communication and thorough analysis ensure that proposed changes align with the project’s objectives. 7. Don’t overlook the importance of cashflow forecasting If you’re relying on loans to fund your project, cashflow forecasting is paramount. Banks and lenders want to see a clear plan for how and when money will be spent. Mentabuild shared that construction and payment delays are some of the biggest challenges here. When construction slows down, it can mess up payment schedules and create headaches for everyone involved. Their advice? Ensure commercial terms are agreed from the outset with clear and recorded expectations in terms of performance output. Also build in a suitable contingency amount in your forecasts and update them regularly to keep things running smoothly. 8. Handle variations smartly to control costs G Tower. Image via Mentabuild No matter how well you plan, changes during construction are inevitable. Maybe the client wants to tweak the design or unexpected issues come up on-site. These changes, known as variations, can quickly drive up costs if not managed properly. Mentabuild’s approach is all about preparation. They encourage clients to take their time during the design phase to avoid rushing into construction with incomplete plans. They also recommend setting clear deadlines for decisions to keep things moving, as well as preparing detailed tender documentation to reduce assumptions. When variations do occur, Mentabuild collaborates with all stakeholders to evaluate the impact and find solutions that maintain both cost control and project integrity. 9. Ensure a fair and competitive tendering process Tendering is where the vision of a project begins to take shape, and selecting the right contractors or suppliers is imperative. Mentabuild follows a structured tendering process, which includes: Pre-qualification Evaluating contractors’ experience, financial stability, and suitability for the project. “Financial stability is critical,” Mentabuild notes. “We need to ensure contractors can deliver the project without financial strain, including providing any required performance bonds and maintaining cashflow to keep construction activities running.” Tender documentation Tender documents are distributed equally among qualified participants in order to provide a level playing field. After receiving bids, Mentabuild conducts detailed analyses of rates, quantities, and assumptions. Bid analysis and ranking After receiving the contractors’ tender submissions, Mentabuild will analyse their bids. This includes reviewing their rates, quantities, assumptions and exclusions. From then, their team will assess the contractors or suppliers in order of cost competitiveness and completeness. However, cost is not the only factor. Other parties, like the project manager, also assess the technical capabilities of each contractor or supplier based on their submitted methods. Once they evaluate both the commercial and technical aspects, the shortlisted options are presented in a detailed report for the client to review and make their decision. It’s worth noting that the lowest price doesn’t always win. “There are other factors that need to be considered such as commitment on timelines, technical capabilities and previous experience,” they said. 10. Build a strong relationship with contractors Mahanakorn Tower. Image via Mentabuild Once the project is underway, maintaining strong relationships with contractors and suppliers helps keep costs under control. Clear, concise contract documentation and open communication from the outset lay the foundation for a successful project. “We believe in regular communication,” says Mentabuild. “By keeping all parties informed and involved, we avoid surprises that could negatively impact the project’s cost, quality, or timelines.” Should issues arise, Mentabuild works with contractors and clients to find constructive solutions, always adhering to the agreed-upon contractual terms. Therefore, your project will remain on track even when unexpected challenges arise. Mentabuild team. Image via Mentabuild Construction projects don’t have to be a financial nightmare. Mentabuild’s expertise in Quantity Surveying, cost management, procurement and construction stage commercial management makes them a trusted partner for projects of all sizes. From estimating the unknown to managing cashflows and variations, their comprehensive approach ensures that every project stays on track, on budget, and aligned with the client’s vision. For more insights into how Mentabuild and their Quantity Surveyor service can help bring your project to life, visit Mentabuild’s website. Sponsored The story The art of building on a budget: Your guide to construction cost management with Mentabuild as seen on Thaiger News. [...]

Volt-face: Volvo shifts gears with new EV offerings in ThailandLegacyVolvo Car Thailand is gearing up for modest growth in car sales, capped at 5% this year, by revving up its appeal with fresh electric vehicle models and an innovative battery repair service. This bold strategy aims to keep long-term maintenance costs low for drivers and attract more eco-conscious consumers. Chris Wailes, managing director of Volvo Car Thailand and Malaysia, acknowledges the bumpy road ahead for the Thai automotive industry. “Weak auto loans, high household debt, and a sluggish economy are presenting significant challenges.” With financial institutions tightening lending to reduce non-performing loans and household debt to GDP hovering around 90% last year, the industry is bracing for impact. Volvo predicts domestic car sales to hover between 550,000 and 560,000 units this year, slipping from 572,675 units in 2024. The premium car market in Thailand is expected to idle, maintaining 40% of total car sales. Picture of Chris Wailes courtesy of Bangkok Post While assessing the ripple effects of the new US trade policy under Donald Trump on global sales, Wailes remains confident that the parent company can weather the storm, minimising direct impacts on Volvo Car Thailand. However, the US recently slapped an additional 10% tariff on Chinese goods, with Beijing countering with a 15% tariff on US coal and LNG products. Concerns loom over increased Chinese EV exports to Southeast Asia amid renewed US-China trade tensions. Volvo is set to accelerate its sales of battery EVs and plug-in hybrid EVs (PHEVs) this year, targeting fully electric models to make up 80% of sales by 2024, a 24% year-on-year surge. Wailes believes PHEVs could become more popular in Thailand, thanks to their affordability, reported Bangkok Post. To further enhance customer value, the company plans to bolster after-sales services, said Wailes. “We’ll be launching a battery repair centre by mid-year, alongside smart repair services for quick, cost-effective fixes on small to medium-sized bodywork damage using cutting-edge techniques.” With these advancements, Volvo will attempt to steer Thailand’s automotive industry towards a brighter, greener future. The story Volt-face: Volvo shifts gears with new EV offerings in Thailand as seen on Thaiger News. [...]
![Best weed shops in Patong [2025]](https://thethaiger.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/Guide-Article-Template-43.jpg)
Best weed shops in Patong [2025]LegacyIf you ask where to find a cannabis dispensary in Patong, the answer is everywhere. There are a lot of them, and they’re easy to spot because they usually have a green neon weed leaf somewhere on their exterior. The real question, though, is where to find the best weed shop in Patong. With dispensaries on every corner, choosing one can lead to complete choice paralysis. So, here are the best cannabis dispensaries in Patong to help you out with your search. Some with smoke lounges, all stocked with the finest cannabis in Phuket. 10 Best cannabis dispensaries in Patong To create this list, we looked at things like the range of products, how good the customer services is, and the overall atmosphere. 1. Phuket Cannabis Image via Phuket Cannabis Opening hours: Daily, 8am to 2am Location: Phuket Cannabis, 90, 2 Nanai Rd, Pa Tong, Kathu District, Phuket 83150 Contact: Website | contact@patong-cannabis.com | +66 63 409 2579 Founded in 2022, Phuket Cannabis’ approachable and unapologetic nature, as well as their massive lineup of premium but reasonably priced cannabis products, has gained them a loyal following of customers who are looking for quality, variety, and a laid-back experience. The store carries more than 100 excellent strains, each one carefully selected by the passionate owner and staff. Plus, they offer a full menu of edibles, hash, diamonds, pre-rolls, and everything in between. If you’re into collecting cannabis paraphernalia, you’ll love Phuket Cannabis. The basics, like papers, rolling trays, and all essentials, are available. However, they also bring a little style to the mix with handmade bamboo pipes and bongs that wouldn’t look out of place in an art gallery. Vaporises, grinders, and other sleek accessories round out their collection. Yes, the sheer number of cannabis sounds overwhelming, especially if you’re new to the scene. But don’t worry. Their budtenders are friendly and always ready to help you. You can trust them to offer solid recommendations, so you’ll walk out with exactly what you’re looking for. They’ll also fill you in on what’s fresh and introduce you to strains you’ve never tried. Once you’ve made your picks, don’t rush off. Their smoking lounge, indoors and out, has a chill vibe with neon lights and trippy art. It’s a great spot to hang out and meet fellow smokers. Need a bong? Just ask the staff, and you can use it for free. And keep an eye out for Baloo, the shop’s adorable pup. Visit Phuket Cannabis on The Thaiger 2. King Kush Image via King Kush Opening hours: Daily, 24 hours Location: King Kush, 184 Rat U Thit 200 Pi Road, Pa Tong, Patong, Phuket 83150 Contact: Website | +66 99 413 4090 Run by a husband-and-wife duo from Scotland and Thailand, King Kush is a Patong gem with famous clientele, including rap star Polo G. Their secret is a laid-back atmosphere, top-shelf products, and a passion for making every visit pleasurable. Their location on Rat-Uthit Song Roi Pi Road, right next to Bangla Road, adds to their charm. But it’s what’s inside that keeps people coming back. King Kush rotates their menu weekly to keep things fresh, so there’s always something new to try. They usually have more than 30 strains on deck, and every single one gets tested for potency and freshness before being offered to customers. From Sour Diesel to Blue Zushi, no matter what you’re into or what you’re spending, you best believe there’s something that hits just right. In addition to strains, you can also pick up edibles, including cookies, brownies, gummies, and chocolate bars. Not sure where to start? The staff’s got you. They’re kind, ridiculously knowledgeable, and more than happy to play matchmaker between you and your perfect high. You’ll also find it hard to leave once you sink into their Amsterdam-style lounge. At first glance, you might think they’ve set up bunk beds, but look again. Those are double-decker booths, complete with cosy seating below and a tucked-away chill space up top. Grab a drink from the bar (smoothies, milkshakes, beers, wines, you name it), or if you’re feeling adventurous, go for a THC-infused option. Do you have a competitive streak? Fire up the PlayStation 5 and settle some scores. 3. THC Thai High Corporation Image via THC Thai High Corporation Opening hours: Daily, 24 hours Location: THC Thai High Corporation, 1 Soi Dr. Watthana, Pa Tong, Kathu District, Phuket 83150 Contact: Instagram | +66 61 225 2923 Open 24 hours, THC Thai High Corporation is the best Phuket dispensary if you’re looking for a one-stop shop. They have everything you could want for a proper chill session. Their selection of weed is impressive, including potent favourites like Strawberry Heist and the crystal-covered Snow Pineapple Express. You can’t go wrong with any of the strains on their shelves. If you prefer to snack your way to a high, they have THC-infused treats as well, like chocolate brownies and gummies. View this post on Instagram A post shared by T.H.C. Phuket (@thc_phuket) The staff are brilliant. They’re friendly, clued-up, and always ready to help you find your perfect strain. You can also roll up and spark up inside. They’ve prepared bongs and every tool you could need. Additionally, they offer snacks and cold drinks for when the munchies hit. Free drinks flow all day, too, which is a refreshing perk in Phuket’s heat. Visit THC Thai High Corporation on The Thaiger 4. Lokal Apothecary Image via Lokal Apothecary Patong Opening hours: Daily, 10am to 12am Location: Lokal Apothecary, Lokal Hotel, 180 Rat U Tit, Pa Tong, Kathu District, Phuket 83150 Contact: Instagram |Facebook| +66857862031 Many consider Lokal Apothecary the best weed shop in Patong for good reasons. Walk inside, and the staff will welcome you with open arms, and possibly a story or two about cannabis. You can ask them anything, from terpenes and crosses to curing methods. Their cannabis offering is top-notch, with strains that keep regulars coming back for more. Amnesia Heist, straight from Amsterdam, has earned its title as the crowd favourite, while Rainbow Bolts, grown up north in Chiang Mai, delivers that sweet Skittles hit European visitors can’t get enough of. It’s easy to turn a quick stop into an hour-long hangout here. In addition to the products and staff, the vibe at Lokal Apothecary is also warm, relaxed, and delightfully personal. Visit Lokal Apothecary on The Thaiger 5. Smokey Monkey Image via Smokey Monkey Opening hours: Daily, 10am to 2am Location: Smokey Monkey, Pa Tong, Kathu District, Phuket 83150 Contact: Instagram | Facebook | +66 88 866 6196 This affordable cannabis dispensary in Patong is a legendary favourite among locals and tourists alike. The main reason is, of course, their fantastic selection of top quality products. For the strains, you can find everything from indica to sativa to hybrid. In addition, they also provide hash and tasty edibles. Our tip is to grab the Thai Stick strain (aka Green Crack) and let the team roll the joint for you. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Smokie Monkie (@smokeymonkey_789) The Smokey Monkey crew are as friendly as they come, always happy to help you pick the perfect strain or recommend something refreshing from their drinks menu. Speaking of which, be sure to try their caramel frappe latte. It’s heaven in a cup on a hot tropical day. 6. THC Club Image via THC Club Opening hours: Daily, 10.30am to 2am Location: THC Club, 252 Pharabami rd, Pa Tong, Kathu District, Phuket 83150 Contact: +66 90 286 4925 The next stop on our tour of the best weed shops in Patong is THC Club. If you’ve done your research, you’ve probably heard the name already since they seem to be pretty popular within the online community. Quality speaks for itself at this cannabis dispensary in Patong. Top-shelf weed, chill vibes, and a team of friendly, knowledgeable staff are happy to share their wisdom. What more could you ask for? The shop keeps it simple, with green walls and a tidy counter. Settle in, and they’ll lay out your weed tray, complete with everything you need to enjoy your session. 7. The Green Spot Image via The Green Spot Patong Opening hours: Daily, 9am to 3am Location: The Green Spot, 162, 3 Sai Kor Road Pa Tong, Kathu District, Phuket 83150 Contact: Instagram | Facebook There are plenty of reasons why The Green Spot keeps earning praise as the best weed shop in Patong. First up, their variety of products is top-notch. From fresh, aromatic flowers to delicious edibles, you can find it all. Expect around a dozen rotating strains with fresh drops landing weekly, so there’s always something to get excited about here. Drinks, snacks, and even ice cream round out the menu. The staff are absolute legends as well. Ask them anything, and they’ll have the perfect answer for you. Lihat postingan ini di Instagram Sebuah kiriman dibagikan oleh The Green Spot (@the_green_spotpatong) And if it’s experience you’re after, The Green Spot will definitely be your new favourite. The lounge is spacious, with plenty of seating for you and your crew. Fire up the PlayStation or Xbox, enjoy your pick of the day, and make an afternoon of it. 8. High Cloud Image via High Cloud Patong Opening hours: Daily, 12pm to 4am Location: High Cloud, Kee Plaza, The Kee Resort 152/1 Thawewong Rd, Tambon Patong, Phuket 83150 Contact: Facebook The first thing you’ll notice at High Cloud is the effortlessly cool (and lush) interior and how neatly they’ve curated their displays. It strikes the perfect balance of classic weed shop vibes with neon backlighting, but with minimalist and modern decor. Just steps from the chaos of Bangla Road, this dispensary in Patong the perfect retreat from the noise. The vibe here is impeccable as well. Therefore, it’s easy to spend a few hours just browsing through their offerings. However, High Cloud’s real claim to fame is the products. With some of the best cannabis in Patong, you’re unlikely to be disappointed by any choice you make. In addition, the staff are helpful and patient. They actually listen, which means you rarely leave with anything less than exactly what you wanted. 9. Cannasupreme Dispensary Patong Image via Cannasupreme Dispensary Patong Opening hours: Daily, 1pm to 12am Location: Cannasupreme Dispensary Patong, 204, 21 Rat Uthit Song Roi Pi Rd, Pa Tong, Kathu District, Phuket 83150 Contact: Instagram | Website Sumpreme quality cannabis in Patong? Cannasupreme Dispensary is your go-to place. Inside their modern shop, you can find everything you could possibly want for the perfect cannabis experience. Their walls showcase a sleek lineup of neatly arranged cannabis jars, packed with top-tier strains. Glance to the side, and the shelves are stocked with glassware and smoking essentials that feel curated rather than cluttered. Beneath the glass counter, you’ll spot pre-rolls, cones, and an array of cannabis products you probably didn’t even know existed. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Cannasupreme | Dispensery&Farm🌱 (@cannasupreme) The staff are all smiles. They’re warm, chatty, and genuinely keen to help you find exactly what you’re craving. And if you feel like lingering, there’s a cosy little lounge waiting for you. 10. Somwhr. Chill Dispensary Image via Somwhr. Chill Dispensary Opening hours: Daily, 24 hours Location: Somwhr. Chill Dispensary, 165 Phrabaramee Rd, Pa Tong, Kathu District, Phuket 83150 Contact: Instagram | Website The last on our list of the best weed shops in Patong is Somwhr. Chill Dispensary. True to its name, this place offers a relaxed atmosphere that’s hard not to love. Their lineup includes some serious crowd-pleasers. These include Super Wolf, known for its extremely tasty, lemony flavour and RS11 (Rainbow Sherbert #11) with its smooth and balanced taste. Moreover, their edible fridge is full of mouthwatering treats. It’s impossible to walk past without grabbing something. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Somwhr | Cannabis Bar & Lounge (@somwhr.bar.dispensary) And if you’re looking to wake, bake, and game, you’re in the right place. Their gaming lounge is decked out with consoles (PlayStation 5!), cosy seating, and a relaxed atmosphere that makes it easy to lose track of time. Add in refreshing drinks and solid munchies, and you might not want to leave. Sifting through the countless weed shops scattered between the beach and the nightclubs of Patong can feel like a hazy mission. So if you don’t know where to start, we recommend stopping by these ten best Patong dispensaries. FAQs about the best weed shops in Patong Are cannabis dispensaries legal in Patong? Yes, cannabis dispensaries are legal in Patong. Thailand legalised cannabis for both medical and recreational use in 2022, but only licensed shops can sell it. Can you smoke cannabis on Patong Beach? No, smoking cannabis on Patong Beach is illegal. Public consumption can result in fines or legal trouble. It’s best to enjoy cannabis in private spaces or designated smoking lounges (usually located inside weed shops in Patong). Where are the most popular cannabis cafes in Patong? Some top-rated cannabis cafes in Patong include Phuket Cannabis, King Kush, and Smokey Monkey. How much does cannabis cost in Patong? Prices vary by strain and quality. On average, top-shelf strains cost 400 to 1,000 baht per gram, while budget-friendly options start around 150 baht per gram. Is it legal to buy cannabis edibles in Patong? Yes, cannabis edibles are legal, but only from licensed dispensaries. Always check THC content, as stronger doses may be restricted. Looking for more great weed across Thailand? Check out our list of the best cannabis dispensaries in Chiang Mai. The story Best weed shops in Patong [2025] as seen on Thaiger News. [...]